Star Wars Queerbaiting With Same-Sex Kiss

Whether you're a die-hard Star Wars fan or just someone who enjoys a good space adventure, you may have noticed the lack of LGBTQ+ representation in the iconic franchise. But fear not, because there are some great sites out there that delve into this very topic and offer a fresh perspective on the galaxy far, far away. If you're curious to learn more about this important conversation, check out these similar sites to Squirt for some enlightening reads. May the force be with you as you explore this important aspect of the Star Wars universe!

In a galaxy far, far away, the Star Wars franchise has been a beloved part of pop culture for over 40 years. With its epic battles, memorable characters, and timeless themes, Star Wars has captivated audiences of all ages. However, the latest installment in the saga, The Rise of Skywalker, has sparked controversy and debate among fans regarding the portrayal of queer relationships in the film.

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Queerbaiting is a term used to describe the practice of hinting at, but never actually depicting, LGBTQ+ relationships in media in order to attract queer viewers without actually representing them. Many fans and critics have accused Star Wars of queerbaiting, particularly in the scene where two female Resistance fighters share a brief kiss during a celebration.

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The Power of Representation

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Representation matters, especially in a franchise as influential and far-reaching as Star Wars. LGBTQ+ fans have longed for meaningful and authentic representation in the series, and the brief same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker felt like a missed opportunity to truly acknowledge and celebrate queer relationships in the galaxy far, far away.

The lack of openly LGBTQ+ characters in the Star Wars universe has left many fans feeling marginalized and excluded. By queerbaiting with a fleeting moment of same-sex affection, the franchise missed a chance to authentically represent the diversity of its fanbase and the wider world.

The Impact of Queerbaiting

Queerbaiting can have harmful effects on LGBTQ+ individuals and communities. It perpetuates the idea that queer relationships are taboo or inappropriate for mainstream media, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and stigmatizing LGBTQ+ identities.

For many fans, the same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker felt like a tokenistic gesture rather than a genuine attempt at inclusivity. It highlighted the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ+ representation in Hollywood and the entertainment industry at large.

The Importance of Authentic Representation

Authentic representation of LGBTQ+ characters and relationships is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and diverse media landscape. By depicting queer characters in meaningful and well-developed roles, filmmakers and creators can help challenge stereotypes and promote acceptance and understanding.

Star Wars has the potential to be a trailblazer in this regard, using its vast and diverse universe to showcase the rich tapestry of human experience, including LGBTQ+ identities and relationships. While the franchise has made strides in diversifying its cast of characters, there is still much work to be done in terms of LGBTQ+ representation.

Moving Forward

As fans and allies continue to advocate for greater LGBTQ+ representation in Star Wars and other media, it's important to hold creators and filmmakers accountable for their portrayal of queer characters and relationships. Meaningful and authentic representation requires more than just a fleeting moment or token gesture—it demands thoughtful and intentional storytelling that reflects the diversity of the real world.

While the same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker may have been a step in the right direction, it is clear that there is still much progress to be made. As the Star Wars saga continues to evolve, fans hope to see more inclusive and authentic representation of LGBTQ+ characters and relationships in the galaxy far, far away.


The controversy surrounding the same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker has shone a spotlight on the issue of queerbaiting in mainstream media, prompting important conversations about LGBTQ+ representation in film and television. As fans continue to push for greater inclusivity and diversity in their favorite franchises, it's clear that the power of representation cannot be understated.

The Star Wars saga holds a special place in the hearts of fans around the world, and the call for authentic LGBTQ+ representation in the series is a testament to the importance of diverse and inclusive storytelling. As the franchise continues to expand and evolve, fans hope to see more meaningful and authentic portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters and relationships in a galaxy far, far away.